MechOrg Humanoid Cyborg Creature Rigged 3D Character

__Desc.___________ It's a Humanoid Cyborg Creature with augmented body parts. A tall creature with fire glowing, blood dripped flesh. Character is rigged and properly skinned for using in Game engines. It is high quality and Low poly, suitable for games. Also exported to Unreal Engine and Unity. Both packages are Provided. Provided the Blend File for customisation. Images Rendered in Cycles and Iray.
__Mesh____________ Single meshes (Low poly). Meshes have Clean Quad dominant, non-overlapping UV wrapped topology for using Subdivision (for Height Maps) in offline rendering and texture control. Total mesh resolution: 10010 Polys / 9990 Verts/ 19976 Tris. 9966 Quad faces, 44 Triangle faces. Quad-Tris Ratio 99.56%.
__PBR Textures_____ Texture set contains Base Color map, Ambient Occlusion Map, Metallic Map, Roughness Map, Emissive Map, Normal Map, Height Map. Texture resolutions are 4K px. All Texture in EXR format (Linear/Raw) for highest Quality.
__FBX Format_______ Character exported in FBX Format for Unity and Unreal Engine FBX format. Character rig compatible for using Unity 2021 Humanoid Rig and Unreal 5.0 Manne/Quinn Rig.
__Blender Package___ Rigged A-pose Character and accessory in Blender 3.1.1-RC. Clean Topology and Skinned detailed PBR textures and Clean professional UV layout. Use for any modification and custom exporting for various software.
__Unity3D Package___ Character exported to Unity with model+textures+materials Humanoid Rig in Unity 2021.2.15f1 which is working perfectly. Albedo+Metallic+Roughness+Normal+Height+Occlusion+Emission has been set up. Packed into unity package file.
__Unreal Package____ Character exported to UE 5.00. Retargeted to Manne/Quinn Rig. The preview image/video shows the character animated in UE. Asset migrated to .Uasset files.
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