LUXY PowerPoint template
An elegant, minimal and compelling look of presentation is what you get from Luxy. The picture placements are one of the competitive advantages for it will display your products in an appealing...
Sales: 4
Kinora A4 Potrait Google Slides Template
Potrait A4 Google Slides Templates is a template success in presentation Google Slides on previous versions. And now comes to meet the needs of your portrait presentation with the same design and...
Sales: 1
Contigent - Brand Urban Keynote Template
Contigent is a Minimal Innovative Professional Presentation, which is great for use in a variety of Public Presentations, Personal Portfolios, Official Presentations. Make your presentation so easy...
Sales: 4
Blanked - Minimal Urban Keynote template
Blanked - KeynoteBlanked is a Modern Minimal Professional Keynote, which is great for use in a variety of Public Presentations, Personal Portfolios, Official Presentations, Creative Agents,...
Sales: 1
Rebranding Oxiey Keynote Template
Rebranding Keynote Template for brand presentation template. With flat and minimalist design make your presentation stand out, with simple, clean, and minimalist design concept. for high quality...
Style Minimal Google Slide Presentation
This Brand Guideline Template simplifies creating Brand Strategy. It’s perfect for showcasing your talents, skills, and products in a professional, elegant style for creatives and businesses.
Style Minimal keynote Presentation

Style Minimal keynote Presentation by Blackcloud_Creations

This Brand Guideline Template simplifies creating Brand Strategy. It’s perfect for showcasing your talents, skills, and products in a professional, elegant style for creatives and businesses.
Sakurashion - Fashion PowerPoint Template
Sakurashion can be used for various purposes, such as: advertising, branding, company profile, creative agency, company and business, fashion, marketing, and can also be used for education.
Sales: 1
Curaf - Powerpoint Template
MAIN FILE INCLUDED 5 PowerPoint files. PPTX Files (Wide Screen)* 5 PowerPoint files Color Schemes* Readme First (Font & Photo Information)
Sales: 1
Laveshion – Fashion PowerPoint Template
Laveshion can be used for various purposes, such as: advertising, branding, company profile, creative agency, company and business, fashion, marketing, and can also be used for education.
Sales: 1
Lavida - Creative Power Point Template
Introducing Lavida - Creative Fashion PowerPoint TemplatesThis template can be used for Studio, Fashionable, Stylish and Portfolio which contains unique and simple slides.This presentation template...
Libria - Interior PowerPoint Templates
Introducing Libria - Interior PowerPoint Presentation Templatespresentations can be used for interior, exterior, home and family products.This presentation template contains a Modern, Elegant,...