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5 Best Education and Books Dashboard Templates 2025
Best Education & Books Admin Dashboard Templates
An administrative dashboard is essential for companies to monitor their business operations. It provides a centralized location for all the important data, metrics, and reports a company needs to know about its performance. Besides, a control panel offers insights into an organization's internal processes and is often used by management for decision-making purposes. And being an educational or training facility, you too need this tool to visually represent data, track performance, and make strategic decisions. Hence, your backend should be as easy to use. This is where education & books admin dashboard templates come in.
There are many reasons why you would use pre-made dashboard designs. First and foremost, they provide a visual representation of your backend user interface. They also offer a space for you to organize your data so that it is easy to understand and decipher. Equally important, these templates are developer-friendly. They allow you to place your data intuitively and quickly. It is what you need when managing an educational institution.
Who Can Benefit from Using E-Learning Admin Panel Templates?
Education administrative panel designs are useful for people who run e-learning initiatives responsible for implementing the content and assessing its effectiveness. In particular, these samples are intended for a variety of purposes, such as:
- kindergartens,
- schools,
- colleges,
- universities,
- online classes,
- libraries,
- book stores,
- tuition study materials.
If you were to start from scratch, it could take days or weeks to design and develop a nice-looking set of assets for your education & books platform. Therefore, the main benefit of these themes is that they help you save time as you don't have to design a backend yourself (or hire a developer) to make it handy. You can customize themes with modes, styles, modules, etc., to suit your needs.
These assets, all in all, are meant to help you create an administrative dashboard for your electronic learning platform. They are easy to use and come with a range of features that you can easily customize according to your needs.
How to Edit Education & Books Admin Dashboard Design for my Website or App?
A site dashboard design is the first thing a webmaster sees when logging in to your website's (app's) interface. It's like the first impression of a company. It should be user-friendly, easy to customize, and informative.
Here are some tips on how to edit the backend UI layout for your website or app by following these steps:
- Step 1: Install a template you downloaded from the marketplace.
- Step 2: Customize a header and sidebar (e.g., make it fixed, collapsible, dropdown, etc.).
- Step 3: Configure UI kits (alerts, buttons/icons, typography, modals, bars, and tabs).
- Step 4: Tailor forms, tables, and charts.
- Step 5: Customize pages (404/500, login, registration, lock screen, etc.), including the extra ones (invoice, FAQ, timeline, etc.).
- Step 6: Complete your project by adding plugins and widgets, importing content, and setting up SEO.
- Step 7: Try it out!
Bootstrap Admin Panel Templates for E-Learning - How to Choose Your Perfect Dashboard Design
Education & books admin panels are almost necessary for any project that involves the creation of a backend user interface. However, sometimes people get confused about how to choose the best one for their project. Below are some guideline questions for selecting the best option for your site or application.
- Is your user base dispersed geographically, and should your project be multilingual?
- Do you need lots of auth pages?
- Do you need to create many custom data entry forms for your app or site?
- Do you need a dark mode?
- Should it be responsive?
- How many dashboards for sites/applications will you create with one sample?
Once you've answered these questions, you can go on to find the best demo admin panels for your project.
Education & Books Admin Panel Templates FAQ
How many projects can I create with one backend UI template for a learning management system?
There are three types of licenses you're offered:
- The personal license allows you to use a theme on one personal (noncommercial, nonresaleable) project only.
- The commercial license allows you to use it on five websites or apps that you're free to resell and distribute.
- The business license will enable you to create up to 50 resaleable projects.
These licenses are available at different prices depending on what type of user you are—whether you need it just for yourself or if you want the option of using it commercially in the future. However, one important thing to remember is that you cannot sell a purchased asset as-is. You may only sell and market them as part of the final product.