Šablona Joomla portfolia astrologa

6 months of support Spolu s produktem získáte podporu během 6 měsíců od autora. Chcete-li se dozvědět více podrobností, přečtěte si pravidla podpory.

shoppingBag Prodej: 32


Created: 23. 4. 2015

Updated: 23. 4. 2015

ID: 53714

og体育首页ONE - Neomezené stahování pro $12.40/měsíc

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September 02, 2016- We updated the engine version to Joomla 3.4.8;

4 Reviews for this product

I am deceived by product description. They say PSD template is available but only the home page is there :-/
Unfortunately, all our themes are based on 1 psd file for home page the same as current theme. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you for the patience and understanding.
Well programmed, it could very easily install, you have all the sections that sought.
My digital marketing agency have tried several Joomla template developers, Template og体育首页's template is by far the best we have used. The installation is simple, and the design meet our requirements all the time. Most importantly, the CSS are well written for us to edit and customised, this is very important for us. Thank you template monster.
I am advertising company and do some site also for me and some of my customers. I've gotten from you quite ..template because I like the way it is made. when the show finally to my clients liked since I had made a beautiful whole.

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4,1 /5
Support rating (276 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 201 4 12 3 6 2 6 1 51
Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
