PrestaShop motiv Kuchyňské potřeby

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shoppingBag Prodej: 133


Created: 24. 3. 2015

Updated: 24. 3. 2015

ID: 53429

og体育首页ONE - Neomezené stahování pro $12.40/měsíc

480k položek | Komerční použití License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Podpěra Přidejte se a stáhněte si tuto položku  Zdarma
PrestaShop motiv Kuchyňské potřeby - Features Image 1PrestaShop motiv Kuchyňské potřeby - Features Image 2PrestaShop motiv Kuchyňské potřeby - Features Image 3PrestaShop motiv Kuchyňské potřeby - Features Image 4PrestaShop motiv Kuchyňské potřeby - Features Image 5PrestaShop motiv Kuchyňské potřeby - Features Image 6PrestaShop motiv Kuchyňské potřeby - Features Image 7PrestaShop motiv Kuchyňské potřeby - Features Image 8PrestaShop motiv Kuchyňské potřeby - Features Image 9PrestaShop motiv Kuchyňské potřeby - Features Image 10PrestaShop motiv Kuchyňské potřeby - Features Image 11PrestaShop motiv Kuchyňské potřeby - Features Image 12PrestaShop motiv Kuchyňské potřeby - Features Image 13PrestaShop motiv Kuchyňské potřeby - Features Image 14PrestaShop motiv Kuchyňské potřeby - Features Image 15PrestaShop motiv Kuchyňské potřeby - Features Image 16PrestaShop motiv Kuchyňské potřeby - Features Image 17PrestaShop motiv Kuchyňské potřeby - Features Image 18PrestaShop motiv Kuchyňské potřeby - Features Image 19PrestaShop motiv Kuchyňské potřeby - Features Image 20PrestaShop motiv Kuchyňské potřeby - Features Image 21PrestaShop motiv Kuchyňské potřeby - Features Image 22PrestaShop motiv Kuchyňské potřeby - Features Image 23PrestaShop motiv Kuchyňské potřeby - Features Image 24PrestaShop motiv Kuchyňské potřeby - Features Image 25PrestaShop motiv Kuchyňské potřeby - Features Image 26PrestaShop motiv Kuchyňské potřeby - Features Image 27

2 Reviews for this product

Szablon spełnił moje oczekiwania. Jest nowoczesny, a przede wszystkim działa i przyciąga wielu klientów.
We love Templateog体育首页 Templates. They are robust with a good coding. There are still some improvement for prestashop using several templates in multistore but I will say they are 99% robust with perfect coding. We are Prestashop Silver Certified Agency and Template og体育首页 is our first choice. We recommend TM to our customers which at the end give us the final desicion, but we present three final drafts and Template og体育首页 is always there. Keep the good work and good coding (Prestashop standards please!). And please be carefull with multistore, when I use two templates or more in a multistore the modules overwrite and there is a thread of losing the design modifications form one store in it. Other platforms are offering templates with different options (v1, v2 etc) all with less price, but we love to use TM because we can plan our projects with few desviations. As I said you are by now our first choice.
Thank you for your feedback! We're glad you're satisfied with the purchased template. Feel free to leave your suggestions on this page - . Your thoughts are very important to us.

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