Coruja - Knihkupectví a vydavatelství WooCommerce WordPress Téma

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shoppingBag Prodej: 14


Created: 28. 2. 2020

Updated: 2. 4. 2021

ID: 97391

og体育首页ONE - Neomezené stahování pro $12.40/měsíc

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Coruja - Knihkupectví a vydavatelství WooCommerce WordPress Téma - Features Image 1Coruja - Knihkupectví a vydavatelství WooCommerce WordPress Téma - Features Image 2Coruja - Knihkupectví a vydavatelství WooCommerce WordPress Téma - Features Image 3Coruja - Knihkupectví a vydavatelství WooCommerce WordPress Téma - Features Image 4Coruja - Knihkupectví a vydavatelství WooCommerce WordPress Téma - Features Image 5Coruja - Knihkupectví a vydavatelství WooCommerce WordPress Téma - Features Image 6Coruja - Knihkupectví a vydavatelství WooCommerce WordPress Téma - Features Image 7


  • UPDATE VERSION - 1.0.12: Released on Aug-15-2024 [+] Update WooCommerce 9.1 [+] Update WordPress 6.6 [+] WP Bakery 7.8 [+] Revolution 6.7.15 [#] Bug fix: Fixed bugs in PHP 8.2 version [#] Bug fix: Fix bug in previous versions
  • UPDATE VERSION - 1.0.11: Released on May-07-2024 [+] Update WordPress 6.5.2 [+] Update WooCommerce 8.8.3 [+] WP Bakery 7.6 [+] Update Revolution Slider 6.7.7
  • UPDATE VERSION - 1.0.9: Released on Apr-14-2022 [+] Update WordPress 5.9.3 [+] Update WooCommerce 6.4.0 [+] WP Bakery 6.9.0 [+] Update Revolution Slider 6.5.20 [+] Update SW Wooswatches [+] Fixbug click bulk select in menu not display checkbox in menu item. [+] Fixbug comment dokan [+] Fixbug product bundle
  • UPDATE VERSION - 1.0.8: Released on December-28-2021 for WooCommerce 6.0.0, WP Bakery 6.8.0, Revolution Slider 6.5.12, and Fix bug Demo Import, fix bug sw_author when do not install visual composer
  • UPDATE VERSION - 1.0.6: Released on June-18-2021 for WooCommerce 5.4.1, Revolution Slider 6.5.0, and Fix bug Demo Import

2 Reviews for this product

I'm not satisfied with the product and especially the author's assistance. Could not install demo data (local installation) via One Click installer. Provided clear error messages and log context to the author, but got no useful help. Can not recommend using Templatemonster as the dispute was also not solved after escalation to the Templateog体育首页 team.
My experience it was very good. The template is perfect per my site and the support to this company it's very professional.
Thank you very much for your rating and comment!

0 Comments for this product

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Customer Support

2,2 /5
Support rating (13 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 4 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 9


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Code editing tool ZIP unarchiver

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