Akin – minimální a architektonicky citlivé téma WordPress
og体育首页ONE - Neomezené stahování pro $12.40/měsíc

- Latest WordPress Version Capability.
- Updated WooCommerce Plugin.
- Fixed The WooCommerce Plugin issues.
- Added new x twitter icon.
- Fixed responsive and swiper slider issues.
- Fixed The WooCommerce Plugin issues.
- Fixed The TGM Plugin.
- Fixed The WooCommerce Plugin.
- Added a new mobile menu.
- Added preloader cancel option.
- Added blog single page previous and next.
- Latest WordPress Version Capability.
- New demo add.
- Plugin issues fixed.
- Shop page add.
- Swiper slider issues fix.
2 Reviews for this product
I can say that I'm satisfied with this template. Large choice of options.
Hi, Thank you for your review. I hope, your review helps other customers find a good theme, for the create a nice website. If you face any problems using our theme, please contact us at any time. thank you
O modelo é bem completo e tem muitas coisas a serem feitas, precisa de certo estudo para entender pois são muitas funções, acredito que um dos beneficios dos temas é a variedade de itens para customizar sem necessidade de ficar baixando pugins ou outros que podem danificar ou pesar o site
Hi, Thank you for your review. I hope, your review helps other customers find a good theme, for the create a nice website. If you face any problems using our theme, please contact us at any time. thank you
0 Comments for this product