La conception Web du site Web de l'équipement de camionnage vous aide à rendre les informations plus structurées et plus impressionnantes. Un modèle Web de site Web de courtier de camionnage 100% réactif et bien conçu avec un impact visuel robuste fera parfaitement l'affaire pour la refonte ou la mise en place de tout site Internet de bureau de camionnage ou de magazine de camionnage. Faites en sorte que chaque visiteur ait le plaisir de parcourir votre ressource en ligne à l'aide de ce thème. Ce thème est un produit de conception de site Web de haute qualité au design minimaliste. Si vous avez des questions concernant l'utilisation du thème, vous pouvez consulter la documentation détaillée. Vous bénéficiez également d'une assistance prioritaire 24h/24 et 7j/7 pour vous aider à résoudre tout problème. Si vous admettez que cette disposition particulière convient aux services de courtage en camionnage ou de fret, vous pouvez commencer le processus de paiement instantanément.

Modèleog体育首页 MarketPlace

Templateog体育首页 est un marché où vous, en tant que concepteur ou développeur, pouvez vendre votre logiciel de conception Web, vos modèles de site Web, vos éléments de conception, vos plugins et vos extensions. Devenez un vendeur de produits numériques et gagnez jusqu'à 70 % sur chaque vente.

2 Commentaires sur ce produit

This Template was pretty well designed. we were looking for a simple template that make some slight alterations to in order to get our sight up and running as quickly as possible. and when i got this template the $50 definitely made this a good choice. The only thing that was bad is I was in such a hurry I wasn't paying attention to what kind of template it was. Being a Website Template means coding in HTML. Personally I have not worked with HTML in about 5 years which made it a little more difficult to use however I was able to make my way through and understand the code. I would only recommend using this template if you have a decent understanding of HTML but don't want to have to build a site from the ground up. The included Javascript works very well and as I said if you have experience with HTML this will be perfect for you, if not i would recommend looking for another template.
Thank you for your feedback. The template package includes all documentation. Here you can find necessary tutorials - Please remember that you can always contact our 24/7 free support with any questions or difficulties you have -
This was a very easy website to make changes on my own without any help. If there is anything wrong with the website it had to do with What We Do page. There are 3 subcategories after What WE DO', but only one page to possible put two subcategories on. I saw nothing else wrong and even that was an easy fix. Great website for what I needed it for. I rated it a four because of this.
Thanks for your feedback. The additional pages serve as examples. If you want to add more pages, please look through the following tutorial - . More information you may find here -

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Guru Author

Customer Support

2,9 /5
Support rating (53 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 22 4 1 3 2 2 3 1 25
Response Time: Slow This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
