Parsal - Lunettes de mode | Thème WordPress pour lunettes et lunettes de soleil sur ordonnance
og体育首页ONE - Aucune limite pour $12.40/mois

Parsal est le thème idéal pour les détaillants de lunettes, les opticiens et autres entreprises du secteur de l'optique. Il présente un design élégant qui vous aidera à vous démarquer de la concurrence. Doté d'un puissant panneau d'options , le thème vous aidera à gérer facilement chaque partie de votre boutique en ligne. Le thème regorge de fonctionnalités qui facilitent la présentation de vos produits et la gestion de votre boutique. De plus, votre site sera 100 % réactif avec un design épuré et clair qui s'affichera parfaitement sur n'importe quel appareil.
v1.2.3 + Category taxonomy support has been added for certain post types. + The option to scroll thumbnails has been introduced in the Flogia widget. + A conflict with separators has been resolved in the Mercury widget. + The design of widgets has been improved and optimized. + The issue with viewport height has been fixed. + Pagination issues have been resolved in the Isolate and Sequester widgets. + Swiper transition effects have been added to the Fortune, Knily, Storker, Omatic, Sniper, Mercury, Coddle, Escape, Titanic, and Woohotspot widgets. + The responsiveness of the Parallax component has been fixed to accommodate resizing of the scroll container. + Woocommerce template files updated + Arbitrary file read vulnerability fixed v1.2.2 + Fixed PHP8 undefined variables warning issue + Fixed Fullscreen carousel with padding overflows the module + Fixed Security vulnerability associated with unserializing objects from the ‘custom_animations.txt’ file. + Fixed Youtube video does not play from action on iOS due to bug in iOS audio permissions + Fixed Vertical carousel does not align correctly if module height is bigger than the viewport + Nested Group Layer – Text Layer not displaying correctly + Updated WooCommerce template files + Updated sample content v1.2.1 + Element now will not load JS files needed for Slider Revolution Widgets while Slider does not include + Fixed keyframe does not work if it is placed near in animation + Fixed Ajax error due to downloading template fails + Fixed Mega Menu auto expand in mobile devices issue + Fixed keyboard navigation in the Navbar component + Fixed parallax component responsiveness on resizing the scroll container v1.2.0 + WooCommerce template files updated + Icon position bottom option added in advanced icon box widget + Item box shadow option added in custom gallery widget + Alignment issue fixed in social share widget + Lazy loading compatibility fixed + Slide image cover not working issue fixed in Slider widget + Responsiveness improved + Sample content updated + Minor issues fixed + New Elementor Widgets added v1.1.0 + WooCommerce template files updated + Post slider skin vast navigation arrows style option added + Fixed the dropdown style not working issue + Fixed Manual Selection issue fixed in all Events Calendar + Added Tab wrapper style option in the tabs widget + Fixed RTL issue in the Iconnav widget + Fixed Tile Scroll options disappeared problem + Fixed Auto-mapper deprecation notice + Fixed stretched row in WordPress default themes + Fixed Post grid v1.0.0 + Initial Release
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