Olasz étterem érzékeny Joomla sablon

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shoppingBag Értékesítések: 37


Created: 2015. febr. 25.

Updated: 2015. febr. 25.

ID: 53111

og体育首页ONE - Korlátlan Letöltések $12.40/hó

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Változási napló

September 02, 2016- We updated the engine version to Joomla 3.4.8;

5 Reviews for this product

beautiful design, well usable, user-friendly, scrolling does not work under chrome
Thank you for reaching the Technical Department. Let us know if you have other issues or difficulties.
No integrated slider on the home page. Managed to figure out a work around which initially caused problems with the menu position. Would recommend to more advanced users. Everything else working fine. The style is very elegant and additional pages are easily customised. Template og体育首页 has a nice range of website templates to select from and I have been pleased with the template I have purchased.
Thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately, this template doesn't have slider by default and you could see it on demo. However, you may add it. If there are any questions or you need our specialists' assistance, please visit our live chat - http://chat.template-help.com/
Quiero utilizar esta plantilla para un cliente, yo soy diseñador freelance y no tengo conocimientos de Joomla, nunca aprendí y me arrepiento. En futuras plantillas me gustaría que haya una explicación mas profunda para hacer los cambios en la plantilla. También me gustaría que haya un indicador del nivel de conocimiento de Joomla que se necesita para modificar la plantilla. Me puse en contacto con chat on line y estuvo perfecto me ayudaron mucho pero aun sigo luchando con la plantilla para poder modificar textos e iconos que no se donde se encuentran. Les respondo en español, los siento pero estoy corto de tiempo para traducirlo. Saludos
Thank you for your feedback! Please remember that you can always contact our 24/7 free support with any questions or difficulties you have - http://support.template-help.com/index.php?/Tickets/Submit and our live chat - http://chat.template-help.com/.
Love the template. Easy to set up and works flawlessly. Works amazingly well with mobile platforms. Excellent!
good template , i like it very much ,i will purchase again and i hope get the discount,thanks

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