Yogalife - Tema WordPress per Yoga e Meditazione
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Vuoi che il tuo centro di yoga e meditazione abbia un tocco calmante e rilassante? Se è così, allora questo tema WordPress Yogalife - Yoga e meditazione è per te! Ti offre un design facile da personalizzare che presenterà tutte le pagine di cui la tua azienda ha bisogno. Il tema viene fornito con un potente generatore di pagine drag & drop di Elementor , che ti darà la possibilità di massimizzare la tua creatività con un layout illimitato. Non solo, Yogalife è stato progettato anche per Tutor LMS , che potrebbe aiutarti a creare lezioni approfondite e intuitive, oltre a funzioni per gestire e vendere corsi online.
v1.1.6 + Remove post-container-background + Prevent JS conflict from happening with the pages already loaded under logged users + Woocommerce template files update + Added item hover controls in the product grid widget + Fixed collapse gap issue in the post-grid widget + Fixed translation issue + Fixed Portfolio Gallery widget filter issue v1.1.5 + Category taxonomy support has been added for certain post types. + The option to scroll thumbnails has been introduced in the Flogia widget. + A conflict with separators has been resolved in the Mercury widget. + The design of widgets has been improved and optimized. + The issue with the viewport height has been fixed. + Pagination issues have been resolved in the Isolate and Sequester widgets. + Swiper transition effects have been added to the Fortune, Knily, Storker, Omatic, Sniper, Mercury, Coddle, Escape, Titanic, and Woohotspot widgets. + The responsiveness of the Parallax component has been fixed to accommodate the resizing of the scroll container. + Woocommerce template files updated + Arbitrary file read vulnerability fixed + Sample content updated v1.1.4 + PHP8 undefined variables warning issue fixed + Added Overlay animation for Header & Footer builder + Undefined issue fixed in Custom Carousel widget + Cache issue fixed in Instagram widget + Badge color issue fixed in WC product widget + Backdrop filter extension improved + Sample content updated + Woocommerce template files updated + Dual button alignment improved v1.1.3 + Tutor template files updated + Undefined issue fixed in Custom Carousel widget + Cache issue fixed in Instagram widget + Badge color issue fixed in WC product widget + Backdrop filter extension improved + Dual button alignment improved + Testimonial slider alignment improved + Woocommerce template files updated + Minor issues fixed v1.1.2 + Element now will not load JS files needed for Slider Revolution Widgets while Slider does not include + Fixed keyframe does not work if it is placed near the animation + Fixed Ajax error due to downloading template fails + Fixed Mega Menu auto expand in mobile devices issue + Fixed keyboard navigation in the Navbar component + Fixed parallax component responsiveness on resizing the scroll container v1.1.1 + Tutor template files updated + Minor styling issue fixed + Sample content updated v1.1.0 + Post slider skin vast navigation arrows style option added + Fixed the dropdown style not working issue + Fixed Manual Selection issue fixed in all Events Calendar + Added Tab wrapper style option in the tabs widget + Fixed RTL issue in the Iconnav widget + Fixed Tile Scroll options disappeared problem
v1.0.0 + Initial Release
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