Exdesign - Exterior Design Multipage Creative Joomla Template

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shoppingBag Sales: 61

Created: Nov 19, 2014

Updated: Nov 19, 2014

ID: 52177

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Exdesign - Exterior Design Multipage Creative Joomla Template - Features Image 1Exdesign - Exterior Design Multipage Creative Joomla Template - Features Image 2Exdesign - Exterior Design Multipage Creative Joomla Template - Features Image 3Exdesign - Exterior Design Multipage Creative Joomla Template - Features Image 4Exdesign - Exterior Design Multipage Creative Joomla Template - Features Image 5Exdesign - Exterior Design Multipage Creative Joomla Template - Features Image 6Exdesign - Exterior Design Multipage Creative Joomla Template - Features Image 7Exdesign - Exterior Design Multipage Creative Joomla Template - Features Image 8
If you run a garden design company or an exterior design company then you must have a website to attract new clients and advertise your services properly. This is why we developed this Exdesign Joomla template. It has a nice and creative design filled with useful visual elements and effects. Moreover, this template is fully editable and you can change any part of it in order to create a perfect website design. It also has useful pages that allow you to blog, present previous projects or share the news. And due to the well-developed structure, Exdesign will be easy-to-navigate and eye-catchy. It works perfectly on all devices and OS.

3 Reviews for this product

Po zakupieniu szablonu dokonałem jego instalacji. Otrzymałem wygląd idealnie zgodny z wersja demo. Konfiguracja poszczególnych modułów bardzo prosta i intuicyjna. Bardzo dogodna możliwość modyfikacji poszczególnych ustawień i funkcji. Instalacja zewnętrznych modułów i dodatków przebiega bezproblemowo. Na pochwałę zasługuje mnogość możliwości prezentacji. Szablon bardzo dobrze prezentuje się zarówno na komputerach stacjonarnych, laptopach i urządzeniach mobilnych.
Nagyon elégedett vagyok a kapott sablonnal, könnyen kezelhető és hamar belakható.
Great template - responsive, parallax, very good Joomla integration.

1 Comments for this product

can you please help!! i would like to buy this template, i have recently updated joomla backend to 3.4.3 my current website have a lot of content and i wanted to ask if i purchase this template will it over ride all of my website as it is? Im worried that all my content will be replaced by the website demo content. can you please tell me is this is correct? or will the template just give me the new layout and keep all my existing content. please let me know asap. thanks
I'm not an expert on this but I would assume that if you buy this template and upload this to your server it will replace your current site entirely as its full of content already - you need to back up your current site, save all the images and start again - hope that helps but please consult and expert as well

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Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
