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shoppingBag Продаж: 485


Created: 3 окт. 2016 г.

Updated: 26 февр. 2021 г.

ID: 61111

og体育首页ONE - Неограниченные загрузки за $12.40/мес.

480k Items | Коммерческое использование License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Поддержка Присоединяйтесь, чтобы загрузить этот продукт  Бесплатно
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Адаптивный многоцелевой шаблон OpenCart

StoreFlex — это адаптивный многоцелевой шаблон OpenCart, который постоянно развивается в мире OpenCart. Вы выбираете один шаблон и получаете шесть разных скинов:

  • Мода;
  • Домашние товары;
  • Красота;
  • Еда;
  • Товары для спорта и хобби;
  • Запчасти;
  • корейская косметика;
  • Ловит рыбу;
  • Недвижимость;
  • Парикмахерская;
  • Уход за волосами, Салон красоты;
  • Туристическое агенство;
  • Домашние услуги.

Примечание. Оболочки StoreFlex совместимы только с PHP версии 7.2!!!

Возможности многогранной темы OpenCart

StoreFlex — прибыльный шаблон электронной коммерции, включающий более 20 модулей, готовых к запуску прямо из коробки.

Интуитивно понятный конструктор макетов позволяет на лету получить универсальную презентацию проектов электронной коммерции. MegaMenu, поддержка RTL, многоязычность и мультивалютность, каталог продуктов, категории клиентов, подарочные сертификаты, интеллектуальная фильтрация продуктов, поиск Ajax, значки продуктов, добавление для сравнения, список желаний, обширные цветовые схемы и другие элементы интегрированы, чтобы предоставить пользователям удобство опыт покупок в Интернете.

Презентация продуктов Lookbook позволяет продемонстрировать товары вашего магазина в более увлекательном стиле. Интегрирован полнофункциональный блог, позволяющий держать аудиторию в курсе последних новостей компании. Storeflex — это шаблон с функциональностью, которая поможет вам легко администрировать ваш веб-сайт, а интересный дизайн сделает его любимым среди ваших клиентов.

Это многоцелевая дизайнерская тема Bootstrap OpenCart.

Bootstrap — это бесплатная интерфейсная платформа для создания веб-сайтов и веб-приложений. Он масштабирует любые ваши веб-сайты со смартфонов на настольные компьютеры, используя одну и ту же кодовую базу. Это значительно упрощает процесс веб-разработки.

Это тема дизайна OpenCart для многоцелевого магазина моды и красоты.

Этот многоцелевой шаблон OpenCart адаптивный. Его дизайн адаптирован к экранам любого размера на любом устройстве. Смартфоны обеспечивают 80% глобального использования Интернета. Важно сделать ваш сайт адаптивным, если вы не хотите потерять своих текущих клиентов.


StoreFlex (February 26, 2021):

  • Minor bug fixes;
  • Updated Fashion full-package archive.

StoreFlex (October 16, 2020):

  • Minor fixes;
  • Updated Fishing skin.

StoreFlex (September 8, 2020):

  • Added Home Services skin.

StoreFlex (August 14, 2020):

  • Added Travel skin.

StoreFlex (July 19, 2020):

  • Added skin Wedding Store.

StoreFlex (June 11, 2020):

  • Updated Lingerie skin;
  • Added Fishing skin.

StoreFlex (May 26, 2020):

  • Added BarberShop skin.

StoreFlex (April 20, 2020):

  • Added skin Real Estate;
  • Bugs Fixed.

StoreFlex (March 23, 2020):

  • Added Korean Cosmetics skin.

StoreFlex (June 04, 2018):

  • Added skin Spare parts;
  • Bugs Fixed.

StoreFlex v1.3 (April 06, 2018):

  • All Skins Updated to Opencart 3.x;
  • Bugs Fixed.

StoreFlex v1.2 (December 20, 2016):

  • Added skin Food;
  • Added skin Health&Beauty.

StoreFlex v1.1 (November 22, 2016):

  • Added skin Sports& Hobbies;
  • Added video player;
  • Added info badge after the customer's log-in bug fixes.
  • Added Korean Cosmetics Skin.
  • Added Fishing Skin.

49 отзывов на продукте

It's great and all but the customization part is just overwhelmingly difficult. Support for this is non-existent so buy it if you are a professional full-stacked developer only.
Please remember that you can always contact our 24/7 free support with any questions or difficulties you have - and our live chat - Our specialists will be more than glad to assist you!
Jack Martins did the setup quickly. The email correspondence with him was clear and fast. I am very happy with the overall service.
EXPECT MORE CHARGES!! Doesn't work with 3rd party Extensions automatically - Producer Zemez charges $99 per 3rd party extension added to the site to make it work as automation isn't an option!! MORE than the cost of the template!! Even for simple extensions, due to Problem with loading dynamically added css files. Asked for this to be sorted outright and told it cant be!! They have no other solution except $99 SO expect to pay OR look at another site that is more compatible if your looking to develop the site with extensions and DONT want to fork out $99 a go.. Which is a shame as otherwise its a nice site!! Shame zemez cant sort and easy fix out for this!! Well lesson learnt it seems..
Hello Jonathan, Thank you for your feedback! Unfortunately, we're not responsible for any third-party plugins or extensions and we don't guarantee the proper work of this template with them. Thanks for understanding.
Don't be fooled by the big premium support banner You open a ticket and get a reply every 24hrs if you're lucky and none of the replies are helpful. If you're starting out from scratch you can download a 'full' file from them which has a blank opencart database and the theme fully loaded ready to go. If like me you've spent a lot of time developing the product catalog and database before looking at a theme then this isn't the one for you as the 'upgrade' option doesn't work and just errors even if you try on older versions of OpenCart and even with a blank database! The support is none existent, best response I've had in 4 days is a link to a support page on the designers website that I found myself via google on day1 and all that says is run the installer no advice on errors. Happy to be proved wrong and update this review if I ever get a helpful resolution to my open support ticket
Dear James, please accept our sincere apologies that the template installation caused you difficulties. Usually, an average reply time in tickets is 6-24 hours on business days; that is why it's better to use a support live chat if the request is urgent: Our team is always glad to help with any issues you face during the template's installation or editing. Moreover, server requirements play a crucial part in the template installation, especially over the existing store. That is why we need admin and hosting access to investigate the issue more thoroughly.
Trying to find a template that is working fine, without bugs, and everything in the backend mentioned and documentated, there is no place to buy it than templatemonster! Working as a freelancer or as a webdesign agency, you want something that is beautiful and working out of the box! There is no time for fixing developers things! And if you ever have a problem or misunderstood something, you have an EXCELLENT 24/7 lightspeed support that will help you anytime and anyday change or fix something that you dont understand!!

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4,1 /5
Support rating (276 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 201 4 12 3 6 2 6 1 51
Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.


Categories View:

Bootstrap Version:


Gallery Script:

Language support:

OpenCart Compatibility:

OpenCart Engine:

Images included:


General software requirements:

Code editing tool ZIP unarchiver

Hosting Requirements:

PHP Version Compatibility:


Web Server Compatibility:

Database Server Compatibility: