TastyBites - Recept & matblogg WordPress-tema

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shoppingBag Försäljning: 35

Created: 30 dec. 2016

Updated: 30 dec. 2016

ID: 62036

og体育首页ONE - Obegränsad nedladdning för 12.40$/mån

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TastyBites - Recept & matblogg WordPress-tema - Features Image 1TastyBites - Recept & matblogg WordPress-tema - Features Image 2TastyBites - Recept & matblogg WordPress-tema - Features Image 3TastyBites - Recept & matblogg WordPress-tema - Features Image 4TastyBites - Recept & matblogg WordPress-tema - Features Image 5TastyBites - Recept & matblogg WordPress-tema - Features Image 6TastyBites - Recept & matblogg WordPress-tema - Features Image 7TastyBites - Recept & matblogg WordPress-tema - Features Image 8TastyBites - Recept & matblogg WordPress-tema - Features Image 9TastyBites - Recept & matblogg WordPress-tema - Features Image 10TastyBites - Recept & matblogg WordPress-tema - Features Image 11TastyBites - Recept & matblogg WordPress-tema - Features Image 12TastyBites - Recept & matblogg WordPress-tema - Features Image 13TastyBites - Recept & matblogg WordPress-tema - Features Image 14TastyBites - Recept & matblogg WordPress-tema - Features Image 15

3 Reviews for this product

Muszę powiedzieć, że ten szablon zrobił na mnie wrażenie swoimi możliwościami, bo choć proste, można z nich coś wycisnąć. Nie sugerowałbym się przykładowym demo jakoś bardzo mocno. Wtyczka wyświetlająca obrazki z ostatnich artykułów jest świetna. Można ustawić, czy mają się wyświetlać 1 czy więcej. Daje to duży dynamizm na stronie. Słabym ogniwem jest kalendarz, który odnosi się tylko do daty napisania artykułów, a nie jest też swego rodzaju organizerem. Generalnie na początek mogę polecić tę skórkę.
Template is tecnicately beatiful, but pictures of compose is not included in packet download... Only scheme is present
This template is released under the GPL license. This means the images are not included into the template package, they are used for preview purpose only. You can replace them with your custom data.
I choose this template to do a good food website. Also it looks great and simple. I'm not a technical guy and need it just for my hobby. www.hayatadinda.com Many thanks to support center during the purchasing process. It was a great experience and high quality of customer service that I received. With photographywaltz.com I was so happy to receive chat help, quick answers, and all SOLUTIONS needed.

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4,1 /5
Support rating (276 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 201 4 12 3 6 2 6 1 51
Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.



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