Mountain Hotel Website Template

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shoppingBag Sales: 115

Created: May 8, 2015

Updated: May 8, 2015

ID: 53866

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This modern multi-purpose theme is well suited for any hotel-related, travel, interior and exterior design, architecture, and many other websites. Loads of customization options will make theme management fast and easy. It comes packed with super fish drop-down and mobile menu, HTML plus JS animation, and responsive features. The layout reminds the landing page with all the content wisely arranged. The visitors will easily find whatever they need due to well-structured scheme and intuitive navigation.

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Templateog体育首页 is a marketplace where you as a designer or developer may sell your Web Design Software, Website Templates, Design Elements, Plugins and Extensions. Become a digital products vendor and earn up to 70% from each sale.

This is a Parallax Hotel website design template

What is it?

It is a specific technique when the background design moves less quickly in perception when compared to the factors the foreground. For this reason, Parallax leads to a experience of a three-dimensional space.

Why is it Good?

Parallax allow your guests relate with your site and achieve significantly better user experience. It allows you you to stand out among your opponents.

Find latest Parallax website design templates here

This Villa Hotel website template is Responsive

What is it?

This is actually the ability of the layout to transform based on the width of the display.

Why is it Good?

Responsive design can let your webpage appear equally good on display of any type of desktop computer or handheld device.

View more Responsive website design templates here

This template is featured in the following editorial reviews:

5 Hotel Booking Website Templates to Build Creative Hotels Sites

7 Reviews for this product

Nice template but not too modern... Easy to edit the template.
Everything was fine. Nice template... Easy customize. Responsive.
Потрясающий шаблон, поражающий своим функционалом. Был выбран не для отельной тематики, но паралакс эффект и плавный скроллинг, в сочетании с красиво реализованным меню не оставили равнодушным. На его базе можно создать практически любой современный сайт. База очень достойная. Код валидный. На мой взгляд не хватает блока с отзывами, а так же блока с прайсами. Конечно, все это будет добавлено самостоятельно, но было бы приятнее, если бы все было доступно из коробки, особенно с учетом стоимости шаблона - 69$. Правда я приобрел за 48$ по акции, но даже эта цена за HTML шаблон не так мала. В целом шаблон стоит того, чтобы его приобрести - рекомендую.
For a template that makes it feel interactive, this makes it very quick and easy to edit.
Design wykorzystany do stworzenia strony internetowej dla Domu Wypoczynkowego w Mielnie. Idealna struktura kodu, oraz zastosowane rozwiązania pozwalają szybko przystosować stronę do swoich potrzeb. Ogromnym atutem także jest dostosowanie strony do różnych rozdzielczości urządzenia. Polecamy.

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