Simply - Construction Website Template

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shoppingBag Sales: 54

Created: Nov 6, 2017

Updated: Feb 1, 2023

ID: 65882

og体育首页ONE - Unlimited Downloads for $12.40/mo

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Simply - Construction Website Template - Features Image 1Simply - Construction Website Template - Features Image 2Simply - Construction Website Template - Features Image 3Simply - Construction Website Template - Features Image 4Simply - Construction Website Template - Features Image 5

Simply is a construction HTML template for constriction related business (such as Architecture, Engineering etc.) website. For a local company or internal company, it is necessary to have an online presence now-a-days. Most of the people search on Google for their required services. Simply constructions HTML template is designed based on requirements of local and international construction business, architecture, engineering, maintenance services, home services, painting, plumbing and other services.

What will you get inside this template?

3 Home versions with different layouts and features. You can write about your company history, team members and more details about your company.

You may have different services. You can list them all and show them in a modern way. It is very important to let your customers know about your services. We keep that in mind and make a nice and modern design for the services section.

Most of the customers are preferred to know about your previous projects, portfolio or experience. So, it is very important to show that on your website. You can showcase your projects on home page and on another specific page. You can show them in different way. 3 built in way of project showcase are included in this template.

You can put more details about each project such as location, client name, duration etc. You can add a pdf file of the projects as well (if you need).

A blog/news page to write about tips and useful materials to that your clients will get benefit from your blog page and it will help you to reach more people from Google.

If any feature is missing or required to add, feel free to contact us at any time. We are glad to assist you with that.

Simply Constructions Features

Valid HTML5 & CSS3

Neat, clean and simple design

Creative and Modern Design

Total 16+ HTML Pages

Built Based on Bootstrap v5.3.0

Fully Responsive

3 home pages

Cross Browser Optimization

Well Commented HTML & CSS files

Google Fonts

dynamic contact form

Well Documented

Images are not included.


VERSION: 2.0.1 —-—-DATE: 16-01-2023

  1. Updated: Bootstrap v5.1.3 to v5.3.0-alpha1

Date:20-12-2021 Version: 2.0

  1. Bootstrap Framework v3.3.7 to v5.1.3 Update
  2. Update - minor css issue fixed

4 Reviews for this product

Design is good, but the fact that the template comes without images and lot of coding has spelling errors (doesn't impact functionality), CSS implementation is confusing and above all lagging support... over 16 hours and no response to the support ticket.
This template is optimal for a inssurace purpose and it is very looknice. It is very complete and easy to modify. it's just Amazing
I like the style of this template and it has some nice options and is nice and clean looking. I found it coded oddly and too many files in too many folders that didn't need to be there.
I used this template for my remodeling and construction customer and he's very happy because he saw faster result in his marketing online. This website has easy navigation and faster for mobiles. Thanks Template og体育首页. template screenshot

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Customer Support

2.9 /5
Support rating (7 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 3 4 0 3 0 2 1 1 3
Response Time: Slow This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.



Bootstrap Version:

Images included:


General software requirements:

Code editing tool ZIP unarchiver

Hosting Requirements:

Web Server Compatibility: